And my newest obsession... COUPONS... believe it or not I got all this stuff for about $42.00, yes that's right $42 smackaroos (would have cost me $150 before I became a coupon nut). There's : 20 canister of kool-aid, 6 boxes of graham crackers, 6 packs of candy bars, 6 marshmallow, 3 yogurt drinks, 8 hot dogs, 11 shaving creams, 5 BBQ sauces, 6 salad dressing, 6 rice cakes and 4 mustard. Sooooo Cooool.
My dad's been in Turkey(yes the country) so I've been helping my mom take care of my grandmas. I've also been trying to get ready to open up a store on Etsy with my girls. They are going to sell hair bows (I'll try to post more about that later). And we made it through a layoff at my hubby's company. So that's been my life in a nut shell or nut house. Hopefully I get some more recipes posted soon, I have a really good one for a peanut butter rice-crispy chocolaty roll-up. It is so ooey gooey good.